Our Governors meet regularly and many visit school during the day to support the work of school leaders or to help in class, during visits or at special events. Two of our Governors are linked directly to the Parent Council, a further group of representative parents, who provide vital, regular and constructive feedback to school leaders.
We have 12 Governors at present:
Mrs K Thorogood- Chair of Governors
Miss C Throssell- Vice-Chair and Safeguarding Governor
Mr L McClure- Headteacher
Miss J Alderson- Staff Governor
Mr D Cliffe
Mrs E Kent
Mr A Noble
Mrs L Robinson
Mrs K Townrow
Mrs A Burton
Mrs H Balfield
Clerk to the Governors- Miss E Chapman
Clerk to LA Governor Meetings- Mrs Denise Barber
Governor Attendance 2022/23 (Virtual and face-to-face meetings)
Achievement and Learning Committee: 90%
Pay Committee: 100%
Resources Committee: 100%
FGB/LA Meetings: 85%
Governance (R is Resources and A/L is Achievement and Learning)