Springvale Primary

Staffing 2023-24

Teachers Leadership Area Support Non-teaching
F2- C Honey (0.55)

B Parr (0.55)



S Slack

T Beaumont (SEND)


H Kelly: MfL (0.9)


TA roles:

H Turner- SALT and phonics


Sports Coach:

L Stratford (0.2)

Finance Officer:

E Chapman

Administrative Officer:

L Armitage


SMSA Team:

Lead- S Andrews

S Hamilton

T Beaumont

R Hull

G Andrews


Premises: K Houghland


Kitchen and Cleaning Leads: S Gibson/T Beaumont


A Kent- wellbeing lead TA and V Cortese- School Counsellor

F2- N Exley

(PPA H Kelly)

PE Lead


J Northrop

C Palfreyman (SEND)

Y1- D Royston

(PPA R Tomlinson)

Early Literacy/phonics


P Lowe


Y2- N Evans

(PPA R Andrew)


Maths co-lead


K Worstenholm


Y3- T Venus

(PPA R Andrew)


Computing/DT H Kelly (AM)

R Ratcliffe and E Cliffe (SEND)


Y4- L Wildsmith

(PPA R Andrew)

Wellbeing G Haigh (AM)
Y5- J Alderson

(PPA- R Andrew)


Science A Kent (AM) Wellbeing TA


Y6- R Mayston

(PPA- Z Wilson 0.2)


Maths- co lead


J Gale (Cover Supervisor) 0.8

E Cliffe

Senior Leadership Team
R Fearn- Acting Headteacher (SENDCo, KS2 Literacy, DDSL, Environment, Educational Visits)

N Evans Acting Deputy Head (Assessment lead and Mathematics co-lead, DSL)

D Royston (Lower School Literacy and Y2)

B Parr (EYFS lead)

R Mayston (Mathematics co-lead and Y6)

Shared responsibility- Teaching and Learning Standards/Curriculum

PPA Cover Teachers

R Andrew (0.4)- Faith/Music                  R Tomlinson (0.2)- Art