Our faith and music leader is Mrs R Andrew.
Our faith and music link Governor is Miss C Throssell.
We use the Charanga music scheme for our curriculum.
Please see our music development documents from July 2024 here:
School Music Development Plan 2024
School Music Development Plan Summary 2024
To see our music progression of skills document please click here:
music progression of skills and knowledge MMC charanga
In addition to this the children will have opportunities to listen to quality recordings of music from across different styles and genres in lessons and assemblies.
A great website that has clips of a variety of pieces of music, with some background about composers is https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ten-pieces
We have developed our own curriculum progression documents based on the local agreed syllabus, here it is:
Faith progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary Sept 22
History, Geography and Faith in the EYFS
3.1 Programme of Study for the Barnsley Local Agreed Syllabus:
The Six Key Questions
These questions are the product of much thought by the Agreed Syllabus Conference and the Local Agreed Syllabus
Working Groups. They are designed to guide and shape pupils’ learning in RE across the years of schooling. Of course, pupils begin to handle the key questions very simply, moving on to learn about and respond to religious objects and ideas, to describe for themselves, to analyse information, and increasingly to develop the ability to draw thoughtful and balanced conclusions.
Question 1
Why are these words special?
Sacred books
KS1: Pupils learn to name some holy books and talk about the stories from them that they have heard.
KS2: Pupils learn to describe the stories and teachings of holy books, and make links with their own lives and ideas
Question 2
Why are some places special?
Local places of worship, objects, artefacts, signs and
symbols, sacred sites and pilgrimages
KS1: Pupils learn about places of worship, what they are like and how special they are, and about objects and artefacts associated with them. Pupils find out about some places where
religious people love to go and remember – and think of their own favourite places.
KS2: Pupils learn to describe different places of worship and their symbols, and link ideas about peace, strength, love or courage to ideas about worship. Pupils learn that pilgrimages come in many forms in different religions, making links to the idea of ‘life as a journey’
Question 3
How can faith contribute to Community
Beliefs, ethics, family traditions and faith in the
KS1: Pupils learn about the ways being religious makes a difference in a family. Pupils learn that our society includes many religions, and all are worth respecting. In our area or region, they can all be seen first hand.
KS2: Pupils learn to describe what difference believing makes in some religions, and to describe their own beliefs, linking them to religious ones. Pupils describe some of the ways a religion is expressed and the impact the faith has on community life. They link the ideas to their own lives
Question 4
Why are some times special?
Festivals and families
KS1: Pupils learn to name celebrations and festivals that are special to each religion, and to themselves
KS2: Pupils learn to describe religious artefacts, festivals and practices, linking them to special times they have studied
Question 5
What can be learned from the lives of
significant people of faith?
Role models
KS1: Pupils take thoughts from some stories of religious founders or leaders and think about what makes these people special.
KS2: Pupils describe the lives and teachings of some great leaders, and make links between their beliefs, the religions they contributed to and themselves.
Question 6
How do I and others feel about life and
the universe around us?
Ultimate questions
KS1: Pupils explore the puzzling questions that life in the world gives us, and talk about some answers to them from religion. They talk about the questions they would like to ask God.
KS2: Pupils describe some puzzling questions about God and humanity, and some answers from different viewpoints. They suggest answers of their own.
At Springvale we cover these 6 Key Questions in 4 of the main religions: Christianity (KS1 & 2), Judaism (KS1), Hinduism (KS2) and Islam(KS2).