Welcome to the Puffin’s (Y4) Class Page 2023/2024

Mrs Wildsmith and Mrs Haigh are looking forward to another wonderful year with Year 4. We truly can’t wait to get to know all the new faces and learn about all the interests, talents and skills that makes each of them special.

Our jam-packed class timetable and full curriculum overview for the year is listed below but can also be found in the new learning log.

Autumn master timetable- Y4


Topic based homework is set every half term and is due in the week before a half term holiday and can be emailed to myself or the school office if this is easier. Children are expected to complete one piece of homework only, but they are more than welcome to attempt multiple projects if they wish.  A homework prompt sheet can be found in the learning log which can be used as a guide to help children decide how they would like to present their topic based homework. In addition to the half termly homework, please ensure your child is accessing TT Rockstars to prepare them for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which they will take part in in June 2024. This is very important indeed! Alongside this, please ensure that your child is reading regularly as well as completing the reading log entries to evidence this.

Our P.E days are Mondays and Tuesdays- these should stay the same throughout the year. P.E kits should be brought into school on Monday morning ready for the P.E session in the afternoon. On Tuesdays, P.E kits can be worn to school and kept on throughout the day as our P.E session will be in the morning. Children do not need to bring uniforms to change in to- unless they would prefer to.

Our PPA cover is provided by Mrs R Andrew every other Wednesday.

If we can ever help you or your child in any way please do get in touch!