Welcome to our Reception (F2) class page 2023/24

We are the Wrens. Here are our teachers who help us learn through playing, exploring, being active and creative, both indoors and out.


Mrs Exley – Class Teacher (Centre)

Mrs Northrop – Teaching Assistant (Right)

Mrs Palfreyman- Teaching Assistant (Left)


Key Documents


Welcome to the EYFS

Milestones Overview- Reception

Reception Milestones: I can statements

Two-Year Topic Cycle 3

EYFS profile booklet for parents and carers

Information_for_parents_regarding RBA (reception_baseline_assessment)

Reception’s Super Six Books

EYFS curriculum guides:

Communication and Language in the EYFS

Literacy in the EYFS

Maths in the EYFS

EAD in the EYFS

Faith in the EYFS

History and Geography in the EYFS

PSHE & ICT in the EYFS

Science in the EYFS



In Foundation stage the school motto of #playtogether #learntogether #achievetogether is at the heart of what we do each day. As we play, we learn new skills, gain knowledge and develop understanding about the world in which we live.


Topics for the F2 Wrens this year are as follows:


Autumn 1 – All about Me

Autumn 2 – Traditional stories and special times

Spring 1 – Change

Spring 2 – Go Outside

Summer 1 – People who help us

Summer 2 – We’re off!


We are really excited about the year ahead and are ready to play, learn and achieve together!

If we can help in any way please just get in touch!

F2 Team