Welcome to our policies page!  All of our policies will be reviewed over a (minimum) three-year period and, once ratified by Governors, they will appear here.  If you would like a copy of a policy not listed here please contact the School Office.  The policies in bold have been agreed through a period of consultation between pupils, parents, staff and Governors.  The highlighted text at the side of each policy gives an indication of when it will next be reviewed with red due to be renewed very soon, amber in the near future and green are not due for review. Many policies are reviewed with staff over the summer term ready for new guidance each September, especially in safeguarding. This means that we can start the term with fully compliant systems and processes.

Admissions Arrangements- available from BMBC: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/media/26923/admission-to-schools-booklet.pdf

Aims of the School 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Anti-bullying Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025 Anti Bullying Strategy 2022 – 2025 – reviewed 23  BMBC strategy

Appraisal Policy 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Attendance and Punctuality 2023Review by Autumn 2024 Application for leave of absence

Behaviour Policy 2024Review by Autumn 2025

CCTV Building and Security Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

CCTV Usage and Photography Policy 2022  Review by Spring 2025

Charging and Remissions Policy 2023 Review by Summer 2026

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024Review by Autumn 2025

Safeguarding Summary Policy 2024Review by Autumn 2025

CME Revised Policy September 2022  Review by Autumn 2025

Springvale Complaints Procedure Summer 2023 Review by Summer 2026 Stage 2 Guidance Springvale Complaints Procedure Summer 2023- stage 2 guidance

Critical Incident Policy 2023 Review by Spring 2026

Curriculum Learning and Assessment Policy 2022 Review by Autumn 2025

Data Protection Policy 2024 springvale Review by Spring 2027

EYFS Policy 2022 Review by Autumn 2025

Elective Home Education Policy 2022 (adopted from BMBC) Review by Autumn 2025

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy 2023 Review by Summer 2026

Equality Policy and Objectives 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

First Aid Policy 2022 Review by Autumn 2025

Governor Allowances 2022 Review by Spring 2025

Health and Safety Policy Summer 2024 Review by Summer 2026

Healthy Eating Statement 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Home Visits 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Improving Performance Policy- adopted by Springvale Primary 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Inclusion Policy 2022 Review by Autumn 2025

Induction Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

Initial Teacher Training Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

Intimate Care Policy 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children 2023 Review by Summer 2026

Managing Medical Needs Policy 2024 Review by Spring 2027

Missing Child Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

Online Safety Policy Summer 2023 Review by Summer 2026

Pay Policy 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

PRIVACY NOTICES GDPR Springvale 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Pupil Premium Policy 2024 Review by Spring 2027

RE and Faith Policy 2024 Review by Spring 2027

Relationships and Sexual Education Policy updated 2024Review by Spring 2027

Restraint Policy 2024 Review by Spring 2027

School Meals Debt Policy Spring 2024 Review by Spring 2027

Science Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

School Suspension-Permanent Exclusion Policy 2022 Review by Autumn 2025

SEND School Offer 2022 Review by Autumn 2025

Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Sickness and Absence Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

Social Media Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

Staff Code of Conduct 2023 Review by Autumn 2026

Sunscreen Policy 2022 Review by Summer 2025

Uniform 2024 Review by Summer 2027

Visitors in School Policy 2022 Review by Autumn 2025

Volunteers Policy 2024 Review by Spring 2027

Wellbeing Policy 2022 Review by Spring 2025

Whistleblowing- The investigation of allegations of staff misconduct 2023 Review by Autumn 2026


For matters relating to attendance and educational welfare, we adopt and follow BMBC procedures, as seen here:

Useful education welfare resources

Find policies, guidance, forms, legislation and useful websites relating to educational welfare and attendance

Anti-bullying plan on a page: