Welcome to our Year 5 2023/24 class page. 


Welcome to Kestrel Class (Year 5)


Our class teacher is Miss Alderson and we are supported by Mrs Kent. Mrs Andrew will provide PPA cover every other Thursday.

In Year 5, our topics are as follows:

Autumn 1- Coasts

Autumn 2- Polar Regions

Spring 1- The Greeks

Spring 2- The Rainforest

Summer- The Tudors

We have 3 events booked in to support our wider curriculum and develop our social and emotional skills.

Friday 15th September- Seaside day visit

W/C Monday 25th September- Bikeability

Thursday 11th July- Overnight residential to York and visits

The Learning Log is full of helpful tips on how to help your child with the Year 5 curriculum, as well as the homework grid.

Children will have their PE lessons with Mr Stratford on a Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon with myself.

After the February half term, the children will begin their weekly swimming lessons as an enhancement of our PE curriculum.


Key texts to read in Y5 and Y6:

100 Books 5 and 6-1

100 Books 5 and 6-2

100 Books 5 and 6-3

100 Books 5 and 6-4

100 Books 5 and 6-5