
Our wellbeing lead is Mrs L Wildsmith. Our lead TA for wellbeing is Mrs A Kent.

The wellbeing link Governor is Mrs E Kent.


The Wellbeing of the children and staff at Springvale Primary is of the utmost importance. At our school, we believe that in order to flourish academically, it is vitally important that children are first provided with a positive and happy place to learn. In order to ensure that our children develop into life-long happy and healthy people, we promote health and wellbeing across school in a variety of ways.

Firstly, we follow a curriculum programme called One Decision, which is taught in discrete weekly lessons, this covers the entirety of the PSHE and SRE curriculum. This coverage is also supplemented with significant additional events in school and themed weeks/special assemblies to enhance the fantastic online materials and interactive videos this provides. Where relevant, cross-curricular links are made in other lessons, such as English, Numeracy, Science, physical education and religious education.

How our curriculum is organised:

EYFS-early-learning-goals-mapping-document F1 and F2

Wellbeing Springvale Progression of Skills Y1-6

Our wellbeing themed assemblies follow a structured plan, this ensures a thorough coverage of all areas and ensures that key areas such as online safety are revisited throughout the year.

Our Assembly/wellbeing theme planner:

Assembly Rota

Further to this, to continuously promote health and wellbeing in school, we also have:

  • A designated wellbeing support officer- Mrs A Kent- who is able to support children with a variety of needs
  • School clubs that cater to the children’s interests and promote independence, peer relationships and confidence
  • An experienced school councillor who visits school once a term
  • E-safety learning and support for parents and children at various points across the school year
  • Regular dedicated wellbeing sessions
  • The worry monster which allows children to feedback to staff about any worries or concerns that they may have
  • Expert visitors from a variety of backgrounds who are able to provide workshops and talks around topical areas
  • School visits/ visitors promoting life skills such as swimming lessons, bikeability, Crucial Crew and Enterprise to name just a few
  • School council
  • Weekly certificates celebrating positive behaviour and learning attributes
  • Termly curriculum awards celebrating not only attainment but progress in core and foundation subject areas
  • Opportunities to celebrate different languages, cultures and religions
  • A variety of extra-curricular activities on offer throughout the year
  • Opportunities to learn about and celebrate British values


Please find below some weblinks and resources which could be useful in supporting health and wellbeing:

https://www.camhs-resources.co.uk/downloads This link provides booklets and advice on a wide range of issues directly from CAMHS.

https://youngminds.org.uk/ A great website supporting mental health for young people and their parents

https://www.actionforhappiness.org/ Great website full of suggestions to help support happiness

https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/mental-health-first-aid-kit/ A useful website providing tools to help children cope when things get overwhelming


Our Assembly/wellbeing theme planner:


Well-being Assembly Plan 2023/24

Autumn Term

Week Wellbeing Theme
1 New beginnings/setting goals
2 Democracy- School Council
3 Road Safety- rules
4 Community and Charity
5 Online Safety
6 Friendship
7 Stay Safe Week
8 Kindness
9 Remembrance
10 Respect for yourself and others
11 Healthy Living- Food and Drink
12 Being Responsible
13 British Values: Individual Liberty
14 Friends and Family
15 Christmas Cheer


Spring Term

Week Wellbeing Theme
1 Resolutions
2 Road Safety- be bright, be seen
3 Respect for the environment and property
4 Friendship
5 Online Safety- SMART rules
6 British Values: Rule of Law
7 Stay Safe Week
8 School Council Presentation
9 People Who Love Us
10 Healthy Living- exercise and keeping fit


Summer Term

Week Wellbeing Theme
1 People Who Help Us
2 Environment- Protect Our World
3 Diversity
4 Kindness- how can we help others?
5 British Value: Democracy
6 Respect for Everyone
7 Community
8 British Value: Respect and Tolerance
9 Online Safety
10 Friendship
11 Water Safety
12 School Council Annual Review
13 Summer Safety
14 Goodbye Y6!


Modern Foreign Languages

Our Modern Foreign Language teaching focuses on Spanish and covers Y3-6 (KS2). This area is led by Mrs H Kelly and the MfL link Governor is Miss J Alderson.

In our school we learn Spanish.

We are beginning to learn how to listen, speak, read and write in Spanish.

We enjoy singing songs, playing games and listening  to simple stories.

We find out interesting facts about Spain.

We enjoy being language detectives.

We enjoy practising our language and learning super skills!

We like to find out how we can use these skills in other languages too.


Please click on the link below for activities to help with your Spanish at home!


Website Spanish- links to use to learn at home


Please find some useful ideas below for learning Spanish at home:

Spanish Websites and Ideas


More information here:

Information for the Website MFL


MfL is led by Mrs H Kelly. Please ask us if you would like more information about our MfL teaching.


Here are some powerpoint presentations with key information/vocabulary being taught this term across the school:

Y3_Aut_2_Days of the week





